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After 11 years working in restaurants and country clubs in northeastern Ohio, Brian moved to Columbus in 1988 taking a position as a sales rep for a manufacturing firm.  A couple years later, and at the recommendation of Lee Lackey, our Company’s Founder, Brian met with Bruce.  “I didn’t realize that I was interviewing for a job, but once it was offered to me I knew Happy Chicken and Merry Milk Maid was the place I was supposed to be, and accepted the position.”  Starting out as a driver, Brian then learned to be backup for many other positions within the company, such as truck loader, warehouse man, and helping make customer calls in the office.  This position later became what is known as “Swingman” and he handled that for 20+ years.  Another position within the companies was offered, and Brian became the primary contact for Midwest Foods Assoc., a co-op that was administered by Happy Chicken Farms since its inception in 1975.  During his time at Happy Chicken Farms, Brian obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in Business from Franklin University in 2001.  Brian has been the Driver Route Supervisor since the position was created in 2014.
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