Who is Merry? “Merry” is Christine Draghi’s trade name. She is a member of the second generation of our family business and has worked for Happy Chicken Farms & Merry Milk Maid periodically since high school. After completing college and using her degree to teach elementary school for five years, she decided to return to the business full time in in 1988. Her father, the company co-founder, Lee Lackey, suggested she become the “Merry” of Merry Milk Maid, as that name best described her natural and abundant cheerful attitude. Merry has developed a real fan base with our customers over the years as our primary sales representative and enjoys everything about her job. Merry says, “This is not an easy job, but working daily with all the great people here and engaging our gracious and interesting customers is constantly rewarding.”
Christine “Merry” Draghi
Director of Customer Relation - 1988