While not an “Official” member of the Happy Chicken and Merry Milk Maid sales team, most of our long-time customers have met Deb and know how important she is as an ambassador for the family business. Officially, she came to work in the office for one year following her wedding to Bruce Lackey, now the C.E.O. in 1981, so she had a very good understanding of the daily demands running a small business requires from its leadership. She then left to have her first, then second and finally third child together with Bruce and was a stay-at-home mom until the youngest started first grade. Over the years since, she has been a real value to the company with a wide range of capabilities which include driving our baby truck, making calls for customer orders, reconciling driver route collections, posting payments and even working in the warehouse (but don’t ask her to go in the freezer!). Today Deb is best known as the GO-TO person when we are in a pinch and need extra help in the office as she can cover many duties. She sums up her experience by saying “Working with the family business is very rewarding!” (Deb is also her husband’s designated driver!)
Debbie Lackey
Sales - 1981